Thursday, November 29, 2007

Chapter 3 (Case Projects)

1.) D
  • In this case the company should choose the fiber-optic because it leaves more room for growth, and for future needs for increased bandwidth, than thinnet does. Fiber optic also networks operate at high speeds - up into the gigabits and in terms of resistance it has a greater resistance to electromagnetic noise such as radios, motors or other nearby cables. In terms of maintenance fiber optic cables costs much less to maintain.that why the company should choose to use the fiber optic.
2.) D
  • The solution does not delivers the required result because the fiber-optic is most expensive type of all cabling options and difficult to install and reroute.
3.) A
  • The proposed solution for this case delivers the required result and both of the optional desired result because the bandwidth of the category 5 UTP is up to 1000 mbps or 100 MHz.. And this is inexpensive and since that you are the one to work for it this can be easy to install.Category 5 UTP are manufactured with tighter twisted, more precise conductor-to-conductor spacing, and premium insulation - are rated at 350 MHz.
4.) B
  • In this case the proposed solution delivers the required result and only one of the two optional desired result because this technology is not cheap as possible and this can send E-mail and recieve it from the other employees and it is not secure from the electronic eavedropping. But the cost of these technology is expensive, it will pay $2,500 a month, plus air time charges and encryption fees.
5.) A
  • In this case the proposed solution delivers the required result because this device typically generate reasonable strong signals to prevent interference from light resources present in most office environment.

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